関本研究室 空間情報科学研究センター Sekimoto Lab


Monitoring and Manage Urban Infrastructure Rapidly and Cheaply

Road Damage Monitoring using Smartphone and Machine Learning

  • My City Report(現場の知、市民の知を有機的に組み込んだ次世代型市民協働プラットフォームの開発)
  • Road Damage Detection and Classification Using Deep Neural Networks with Smartphone Images(機械学習とスマートフォンを用いた道路損傷画像のリアルタイム検出)
    • Poster (japanese)(English)
    • Main paper(s)
      Maeda, H., Sekimoto, Y., Seto, T., Kashiyama, T. and Omata, H.: Road Damage Detection and Classification Using Deep Neural Networks with Smartphone Images, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Wiley, Vo.33, No.12, pp.1127-1141, Available online 30 June 2018. DOI (Impact factor: 5.475 in 2017)
  • Extraction of Road Maintenance Criteria using Machine Learning and Spatial Information(機械学習と空間情報を用いた維持管理基準の生成)
    • Poster (Japanese)
    • Main paper(s)
      Hiroya Maeda, Yoshihide Sekimoto, Toshikazu Seto, Takehiro Kashiyama, and Hiroshi Omata, Extraction of Road Maintenance Criteria using Machine Learning and Spatial Information, The 3rd International Workshop on Smart Cities and Urban Analytics (UrbanGIS2017) in conjunction with the SIGSPATIAL2017, Redondo Beach, California, USA.
  • 単眼カメラによる道路空間深度推定と舗装ひび割れ率計算

Video based Sky Monitoring for Detection of Flying Objects

  •  Flying object detection and classification by monitoring using video images

    • Poster (Japanese)
    • Introduction Movie
    • Main paper(s)
      Hideaki Sobue, Yuki Fukushima, Takahiro Kashiyama, and Yoshihide Sekimoto, Flying object detection and classification by monitoring using video images (Poster paper), The 25th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2017), November 2017. Redondo Beach, California, USA.

Traffic monitoring using Deep Convolutional Neural Network

  • Traffic Volume Count from surveillance cameras in a highly occluded environment using Deep Convolutional Neural Network

  • DynamicTrafficNet : A CNN based framework for the reconstruction of traffic stream parameters from moving camera videos

CNN Based Robust Pedestrian Counting for Helicopter Footage

  • 同上
    • Poster (English)
    • Main paper(s)
      Maeda, H., Sekimoto, Y., Seto, T., Kashiyama, T. and Omata, H.: Crowd Counting with Semantic Scene Segmentation in Helicopter Footage., Sensors, 2020. DOI

Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Train Rescheduling Utilizing Graph Theory(深層強化学習とグラフ理論を用いた鉄道のリスケジューリング)

  • 同上
    • Main paper(s)
      Mitsuaki Obara, Takehiro Kashiyama and Yoshihide Sekimoto, Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Train Rescheduling Utilizing Graph Theory, The Workshop of IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE Big Data 2018), Decemeber 2018, Seattle, Washington, USA.

Estimation of  Companies Activities Affected by big disasters

  • Estimation of Supply Chain Network Disruption of Companies Across the Country Affected by the Nankai Trough Earthquake Tsunami in Kochi City(南海トラフ地震津波時の企業活動のサプライチェーンの波及予測)
    • Main paper(s)
      Yoshiki Ogawa, Yuki Akiyama, Muneta Yokomatsu, Yoshihide Sekimoto, and Ryosuke Shibasaki, Estimation of Supply Chain Network Disruption of Companies Across the Country Affected by the Nankai Trough Earthquake Tsunami in Kochi City, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol.14, pp. 508-520, March 2019.

People Flow Monitoring using Smartphone and Crowdsourcing based approach

  • Pedestrian Flow Monitoring Using Smartphone(スマートフォン端末を用いた通行量計測)
    • Poster (Japanese)
    • Main paper(s)
      福島佑樹,関本義秀, スマートフォン端末を用いた トラッキング手法によるリアルタイム通行量計測, 第25回地理情報システム学会, 2016.
  • Infrastructure Monitoring In Developing Countries Using Crowdsourcing Technology(クラウドソーシング技術を活用した迅速かつ安価な途上国のインフラモニタリング)
    • Poster (Japanese)
    • Main paper(s)
      木下裕介, 関本義秀, 樫山武浩, 【報告】クラウドソーシング技術を活用した迅速かつ安価な途上国のインフラモニタリング:道路状態の計測を事例に, 土木学会論文集F3(土木情報学), Vol.72, No.1, pp.32-40, 2016.
  • Trial of Collecting Tracking Data in Foreign Countries using Crowd Sourcing Sites

    • Poster (Japanese)
    • Main paper(s)
      杉森純子, 関本義秀, 金杉洋, 大伴真吾, クラウドソーシングサイトを用いた海外における簡易的な人の流れ調査の試み, 第21回地理情報システム学会講演論文集, Vol.21, CD-ROM, 2012.

Crowdsourcing-based Updating of Railway Timetable and Line Geometry

Predicting Road Changes from Construction Records by Machine Learning

  • 同上
    • Poster (Japanese)
    • Main paper(s)
      小林亘, 関本義秀, 柴崎亮介, 道路変化イベントの把握のための機械学習を利用した統合的システムに関する研究, 土木学会論文集F3(土木情報学), Vol.73, No.1, pp.40-54, 2017.12. DOI
      小林亘, 柴崎亮介, 関本義秀, 工事実績情報を用いた道路供用の予測に関する研究, 土木学会論文集F3(土木情報学), Vol.68, No.2, pp.150-161, 2012.
      中條覚, 関本義秀, 柴崎亮介, 工事入札公告を用いた道路更新情報の推定可能性に関する研究, ITSシンポジウム, Vol.11, 2012. (ベストポスター賞受賞),Poster (Japanese)

Study on technique to estimate the usable area of the ALB(Airborne Laser Bathymetry) by plane to measure the depth of rivers

  • 同上
    • Poster (Japanese)
    • Main paper(s)
      中村秀至, 関本義秀, 樫山武浩, 坂下裕明, 宮作尚宏, 川村裕, 【技術報告】河川における航空レーザ測深技術の適用可能範囲推定方法の開発, 写真測量とリモートセンシング, Vol.53, No.5, pp.213-218, 2014.

The research on spatial data building in Japan – the case of public survey –
(我が国における空間情報整備の実態に関する研究 -公共測量を題材に-)

  • 同上
    • Poster (Japanese)
    • Main paper(s)
      横澤直人, 関本義秀, 地理空間情報整備の実態把握に向けた基礎的データの作成と公開 -公共測量を題材に-, GIS-理論と応用, Vol.26, No.2, pp.13-20, December 2018.