関本研究室 空間情報科学研究センター Sekimoto Lab


2024年度研究業績 Research Achievements in FY2024


国際学会論文誌等 Internation Journal Papers
投稿区分/Type of posting 題名/Title 著者/Authors 編者名/Editor Name 掲載ページ/pages 出版会社/Publishing company 発行年月日/Published Date
Book Study on Improved and Advanced Urban Information Data for Implementation into Social Science Simulations of Earthquakes Ogawa, Y., Sekimoto, Y. Hori, M. 577-625 World Scientific 2024


国際学会論文誌等 Internation Journal Papers
投稿区分/Type of posting 論文題目/Title 著者/Authors 雑誌名/Journal Title 巻/Volume 号/No 掲載ページ/pages 発行年月日/Published Date DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed Advancing the Sensitivity Frontier in digital contact tracing: Comparative analysis of proposed methods toward maximized utility Junko Ami, Yanbo Pang, Hiroshi Masui, Takashi Okumura, Yoshihide Sekimoto Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 2/28/2025 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed Long-Term Demand Prediction for Public Bicycle Sharing System: A Spatio-Temporal Attentional Graph Convolution Networks Approach Liu, Z., Gokon, H. and Sekimoto, Y. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 25 12 21515-21527 10/15/2024 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed RDD2022: A multi-national image dataset for automatic road damage detection Deeksha Arya, Hiroya Maeda, Sanjay Kumar Ghosh, Durga Toshniwal, Yoshihide Sekimoto Geoscience Data Journal 11 n4 846-862 6/26/2024 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed The impact of the urban traffic on the CO2 intensity: a navigation study using GNSS application in Jakarta city Lin Yola,Garrin Alif Nanditho,Timothy O. Adekunle,Olutobi G. Ayegbusi,Muhamad Erza Aminanto,Eric Wei Chiang Chan, Dinesh Manandhar Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering 0 8/7/2024 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed Nationwide synthetic human mobility dataset construction from limited travel surveys and open data Takehiro Kashiyama, Yanbo Pang, Yuya Shibuya, Takahiro Yabe, Yoshihide Sekimoto Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 39 21 3337-3353 11/1/2024 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed A cost-and-effect simulation model for compact city approaches: A case study in Japan Jue Ma, Yuya Shibuya, Yanbo Pang, Hiroshi Omata, Yoshihide Sekimoto Cities 152 105212 6/25/2024 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed Analysis of postdisaster economy using high-resolution disaster and economy simulations Gill, A., Lalith, M., Hori, M., Ogawa, Y. Risk Analysis 1-17 10/9/2024 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed Enhanced large-scale building extraction evaluation: developing a two-level framework using proxy data and building matching Shenglong Chen,Yoshiki Ogawa,Chenbo Zhao &Yoshihide Sekimoto European Journal of Remote Sensing 57 1 7/3/2024 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed Post-hazard supply chain disruption: Predicting firm-level sales using graph neural network Shaofeng Yang, Yoshiki Ogawa, Koji Ikeuchi, Ryosuke Shibasaki, Yuuki Okuma International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 110 104664 7/8/2024 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed End-to-End Framework for the Automatic Matching of Omnidirectional Street Images and Building Data and the Creation of 3D Building Models Yoshiki Ogawa, Ryoto Nakamura,Go Sato,Hiroya Maeda and Yoshihide Sekimoto remote sensing 16 11 1858 5/23/2024 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed Unveiling the Non-Linear Influence of Eye-Level Streetscape Factors on Walking Preference: Evidence from Tokyo Lu Huang, Takuya Oki, Sachio Muto, Yoshiki Ogawa International Journal of Geo-Information (IJGI) 13 4 131 4/15/2024 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed Emotions, behaviors and places: Mapping sentiments with behaviors in Japanese tweets Mingchen Liu, Yuya Shibuya, Yoshihide Sekimoto Cities 155 105449 12/1/2024 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed Assessing internal displacement patterns in Ukraine during the beginning of the Russian invasion in 2022 Yuya Shibuya, Nicholas Jones, Yoshihide Sekimoto Scientific Reports 14 1 11123 5/15/2024 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed G2Viz: an online tool for visualizing and analyzing a public transit system from GTFS data Sirapop Para, Thanachok Wirotsasithon, Thanisorn Jundee, Merkebe Getachew Demissie, Yoshihide Sekimoto, Filip Biljecki, Santi Phithakkitnukoon Public Transport 16 893-928 5/8/2024 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed A digital twin prototype to visualize heterogeneous seismic damage simulation results on web-GIS Takuzo Yamashita, Yoshihide Sekimoto, Mikio Koshihara, Takafumi Nakagawa, Hideyuki O-Tani, Toshihiko Horiuchi Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering 1-19 04/22/2024 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed YJMob100K: City-scale and longitudinal dataset of anonymized human mobility trajectories Yabe, T., Tsubouchi, K., Shimizu, T., Sekimoto, Y., Sezaki, K., Moro, E., & Pentland, A. Scientific Data 11 1 397 04/18/2024 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed Enhancing human mobility research with open and standardized datasets Yabe, T., Luca, M., Tsubouchi, K., Lepri, B., Gonzalez, M. C., & Moro, E. Nature Computational Science 4 7 469 07/02/2024 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed Post-disaster recovery policy assessment of urban socio-physical systems Park, S., Yabe, T., & Ukkusuri, S. V. Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems 114 102184 9/12/2024 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed Open e-commerce 1.0, five years of crowdsourced US Amazon purchase histories with user demographics Berke, A., Calacci, D., Mahari, R., Yabe, T., Larson, K., & Pentland, S. Scientfic Data 11 1 491 5/13/2024 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed The great equalizer? Mixed effects of social infrastructure on diverse encounters in cities Fraser, T., Yabe, T., Aldrich, D. P., & Moro, E. Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems 113 102173 8/20/2024 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed Predicting individual irregular mobility via web search-driven bipartite graph neural networks Xue, J., Yabe, T., Tsubouchi, K., Ma, J., & Ukkusuri, S. V. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 37 2 851-864 11/19/2024 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed Behaviour-based dependency networks between places shape urban economic resilience Yabe, T., García Bulle Bueno, B., Frank, M. R., Pentland, A., & Moro, E. Nature Human Behavior 12/23/2024 DOI
国内学会論文誌等 Domestic Journal Papers
投稿区分/Type of posting 論文題目/Title 著者/Authors 雑誌名/Journal Title 巻/Volume 号/No 掲載ページ/pages 発行年月日/Published Date
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed 活動への参加状況にみるシビックテックコミュニティの変容―Code for Saga を対象として― 安藤朋恵・太田一帆・伊藤香織・髙栁誠也・瀬戸寿一 実践政策学 10 1 77-84 7/2024
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed ボランティア地理情報としての OpenStreetMap の活動展開と研究動向 瀬戸寿一 GIS 理論と応用 32 2 11-22 12/2024
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed 地理空間情報を介した市民参加と協働─デジタル・シチズンシップに向けて 瀬戸寿一 都市計画 368 62-65 5/2024
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed 行政DXに適した検索拡張生成システムの開発と実証実験による検証 川島壮生, 白松俊, 水本武志 デジタルプラクティス 6 1 12-22 1/2025
国際学会講演論文集等 International Conference Papers
投稿区分/Type of posting 論文題目/Title 著者/Authors 予稿集・会議集 名称/Title of proceeding 予稿集・会議集 発行年月日/Published Date DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed A Preliminary Study on Dynamic Urban Knowledge Graph Construction using Heterogeneous Spatio-temporal Data Liu, Z., Pang, Y. and Sekimoto, Y. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData) 12/17/2024 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed Explainable Hierarchical Urban Representation Learning for Commuting Flow Prediction Cai, M., Pang, Y., and Sekimoto, Y. SIGSPATIAL ’24: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems 11/22/2024 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed Mobility Patterns of Trailers Around International Container Terminals: A Case Study in Sendai Port, Japan Zheng, H., Zhao, C., Ogawa, Y., Shibasaki, R., Fujiwara, N. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData) 12/15/2024 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed Enhanced Road Damage Detection with Federated Learning Across Diverse and Heterogeneous Global Datasets Dwivedi, S.K., Arya, D. and Sekimoto, Y. SIGSPATIAL ’24: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems 11/22/2024 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed Road Damage Detection Across Borders: Federated Learning Insights from Japan, China, Norway and the USA Dwivedi, S.K., Arya, D. and Sekimoto, Y. 2024 IEEE Smart World Congress SWC 2024 (2024 IEEE Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Autonomous & Trusted Computing, Digital Twin, Metaverse, Privacy Computing & Data Security, Scalable Computing & Communications) 12/6/2024
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed MobGLM: A Large Language Model for Synthetic Human Mobility Generation Zhang, K., Pang, Y., Zhang, Y., & Sekimoto, Y. SIGSPATIAL ’24: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems 11/22/2024 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed Agentic Large Language Models for Generating Large-Scale Urban Daily Activity Patterns Zhang, Y., Zhang, K., Pang, Y. and Sekimoto, Y. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData) 12/17/2024 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed ORDDC’2024: State of the art Solutions for Optimized Road Damage Detection Arya, D., Omata, H., Maeda, H., & Sekimoto, Y. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData) 12/17/2024 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed “Socioeconomic Disparities in Heat Exposure and Mitigation Based on Human Mobility in India” Ma, J., Garcia, S., Torbjörnsson, C., Sun, C., Wu, Z., Shibuya, Y., & Sekimoto, Y. Book of Abstracts Netmob2024
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed Mobility Patterns of Trailers Around International Container Terminals: A Case Study in Sendai Port, Japan Zheng, H., Zhao, C., Ogawa, Y., Shibasaki, R., and Fujiwara, N. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData) 12/17/2024
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed Tour analysis of semi-trailers transporting international maritime containers in Japan using ETC2.0 data Yasuda, R., Shibasaki, R., Ogawa, Y., Zhao, C. 10th International Conference on Transportation and Logistics (TLOG 2024) 8/5/2024
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed Building Extraction with Yolov8: A Multi-Domain Assessment in Bangkok’s Diverse Land-Use-Types Chintakindi, B. P., Ogawa, Y., Chen, S. and Sekimoto, Y. 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium(IGARSS) 7/7/2024
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed New insights of gender and income segregation throughout activity space in Tokyo metropolitan area from Family life cycle stage perspective Sun,C., Shibuya, Y. and Sekimoto, Y. 2024 AESOP Annual Congress: Game Changer? Planning for Just and Sustainable Urban Regions 7/11/2024
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed Exploration on how income segregation varies under different activity contexts in Tokyo 23 wards Sun,C., Shibuya, Y. and Sekimoto, Y. N/A
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed Generation gaps in activity space segregations: A case study of Tokyo metropolitan areas using human mobility GPS data Sun,C., Shibuya, Y. and Sekimoto, Y. Book of Abstracts Netmob2024
学会発表/Presentation in Conference Exploring Community-led Participation with Civic Tech to Create New Community Ties: Potential and Challenges of an Eco- Activity Promotion Platform in Nagareyama, Japan Fujino, Asaki; Shirasawa, Miyuki; Hamm, Andrea; Shibuya, Yuya; Takagi, Soichiro; Sekimoto, Yoshihide N/A
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed Revealing The Spatiotemporal Evolutionary Characteristics, Influencing Factors And Mitigation Measures Of Carbon Emission In Tokyo LIU, L., GARCIA, S., Ma, J., ZENG, E., LI, W., SHIBUYA, Y. and SEKIMOTO, Y. 2024 AESOP Annual Congress: Game Changer? Planning for Just and Sustainable Urban Regions 7/11/2024
学会発表/Presentation in Conference Spatio-temporal Editing Trends Validation of Volunteer Geographic Information with Manual and AI-assisted Mapping Seto, T. and Nishimura, Y. 35th International Geographical Congress
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed LLM-based Agent for Recommending Information Related to Web Discussions at Appropriate Timing Sakurai, T., Shiramatsu, S. and Kinoshita, R. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Agents 12/24/2024 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed LLM-based Automated Facilitator for Building Effective Consensus on Mission and Vision Definition Liu, Q, and Shiramatsu, S. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Agents 12/24/2024 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed UWB RTLS Development for Multipath Environment and Field Test Results Dinesh Manandhar, Ryosuke Shibasaki, and Wataru Ohira Proceedings of the 37th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2024) 9/16/2024 DOI
査読付論文/Peer Reviewed Proximity-Based Urbanism from the Existing Businesses’ Perspective. Garcia Gabilondo, S., Shibuya, Y., & Sekimoto, Y. Book of Abstracts : Game changer? Planning for just and sustainable urban regions
国内学会講演論文集等 Domestic Conference Papers
投稿区分/Type of posting 論文題目/Title 著者/Authors 予稿集・会議集 名称/Title of proceeding 発行年月日/Published Date DOI
一般講演/Ordinary speech Evaluating the Gender and Age Differences in the Subjective Perceptions of Streetscapes Yang, D., Zhao, C., Ogawa, Y., Oki, T., and Sekimoto, Y. 第33回地理情報システム学会学術研究発表大会予稿集 10/26/2024 None
一般講演/Ordinary speech 変化検知に基づく単眼空中写真を用いた建物フットプリント更新手法の試み 陳聖隆、小川芳樹、関本義秀 第33回地理情報システム学会学術研究発表大会予稿集 10/26/2024 None
ポスター講演/Poster speech 変化検知に基づく単眼空中写真を用いた建物フットプリント更新手法の試み 陳聖隆、小川芳樹、関本義秀 None None
ポスター講演/Poster speech Heterogeneous Datasets-based Federated Learning for Global Road Damage Detection Dwivedi, S.K., Arya, D. and Sekimoto, Y. None None
ポスター講演/Poster speech Enhanced Road Damage Detection with Federated Learning Across Diverse and Heterogeneous Global Datasets Dwivedi, S.K., Arya, D. and Sekimoto, Y. None 11/15/2024 None
ポスター講演/Poster speech Construct spatio-temporal urban knowledge graph for a variety of urban mobility tasks Liu, Z., Pang, Y. and Sekimoto, Y. None 11/15/2024 None
一般講演/Ordinary speech 実データと擬似データの比較による高精度な人流シミュレーションモデルの改善 足立陽紀、Yanbo Pang、関本義秀 プログラム GISA 2024 2024年10月26日(土) 10/26/2024 None
ポスター講演/Poster speech 実データと擬似データの比較による高精度な人流シミュレーションモデルの改善 足立陽紀、龐岩博、関本義秀 None None
一般講演/Ordinary speech グラフニューラルネットワークを用いたサプライチェーンにおける中核企業の識別 – 日本全国の企業間取引データへの適用 -, 鹿野 英明, 小川芳樹,ジュ スヒョン, 関本義秀 第33回地理情報システム学会学術研究発表大会予稿集 10/26/2024 None
一般講演/Ordinary speech Evaluating Industry-Specific Changes in freight vehicle travel with COVID-19: A Comprehensive Study Utilizing ETC2.0 data and POI Data TANG, G., Ogawa, Y., Zhao, C., Sekimoto, Y. The 33rd Annual Meeting of Geographic Information Systems Conference 10/26/2024 None
一般講演/Ordinary speech 仙台港湾部における国際海上コンテナ用セミトレーラのモビリティ分析 藤原直哉, 鄭慧萱, 趙琛渤, 小川芳樹, 柴崎隆一 土木学会全国大会 9/2/2024 None
一般講演/Ordinary speech Exploring Consumer Behavior in Tokyo based on Mobility Data: Development of a New Shopping Center LIU, L., Ma, J., PANG, Y., SHIBUYA, Y. and SEKIMOTO, Y. 第33回地理情報システム学会学術研究発表大会予稿集 10/26/2024 None
一般講演/Ordinary speech 行政DXのための検索拡張生成システムの開発 川島 壮生, 白松 俊, 水本 武志 第23回情報科学技術フォーラム (FIT2024) 講演論文集 9/4/2024 None
一般講演/Ordinary speech LLMによるWeb議論への適切なタイミングでの関連情報推薦エージェントの開発 櫻井 崇貴, 白松 俊, 木下 良輔 第23回情報科学技術フォーラム (FIT2024) 講演論文集 9/4/2024 None
一般講演/Ordinary speech LLM による共感の促進と感情的対立の低減のためのファシリテーション手法の設計 佐野 正太郎, 白松 俊 情報処理学会コラボレーションとネットワークサービスワークショップ2024 論文集 11/14/2024 None
一般講演/Ordinary speech データ品質検証ツールを用いたOpenStreetMapにおける編集傾向と特徴 瀬戸寿一 地理情報システム学会講演論文集 None
一般講演/Ordinary speech 地域デジタル協議会 〜地域デジタルツインを活用したデジタル版BIDの構築に向けた取り組み〜 佐々木 智英、松島 隆一、南野 晶彦、岩崎 秀司、関本 義秀 第33回地理情報システム学会学術研究発表大会予稿集 10/26/2024 None
一般雑誌・メディア Magazine/Media
著者/Authors 記事区分/Article type 記事題目/Title 報道媒体/Media type 媒体名/Title of media 会社名/Publishing company 発行年月日/Published Date
マナンダーデイネス 解説記事/Explanatory article GNSS信号スプーフィングと信号認証に関する研究 雑誌/Magazine Solution Technology EMC 科学情報出版 12/6/2024
Miyuki Shirasawa 紹介記事/Introductory article あなたのスキルは社会に役立つ~エンジニアだからできる社会貢献~【158】東京大学でシビックテック・デザイン学についての研究が始まります 雑誌/Magazine Software Design 2025年3月号 技術評論社 2/18/2025
関本義秀 解説記事/Explanatory article 三角点・時流を読む「空間情報をコアにしたデジタル空間社会へ」 雑誌/Magazine 月刊「測量」 日本測量協会 10/1/2024
関本義秀 解説記事/Explanatory article ビッグデータ 人流モニタリングを減災にどう生かすか 雑誌/Magazine 東京人 都市出版 3/3/2025
Deeksha Arya, Sanjay Kumar Ghosh 解説記事/Explanatory article Smartphone-powered Road Condition Mapping for Safer Mobility 雑誌/Magazine Safe Roads and Safe Mobility 2.0 International Road Federation – India Chapter 3/6/2025


国際学会論文誌等 Internation Journal Papers
投稿区分/Type of posting 題名/Title 著者/Authors 雑誌名称/Journal title 原稿URL/URL for article
Online Learning Material Data Innovation for Development: Civic Participation for Social Good and Well-Being Yoshihide Sekimoto, Hiroaki Inatsugu, Andrea Hamm, Christoph Raetzsch, Yuya Shibuya Asian Development Bank Institute URL
学位論文 Academic Dissertation
学位の種類/Degree Type 筆者/Author 専攻/Major 論文題目/Title
博士/Doctor Mingfei CAI 工学系研究科社会基盤学/Civil Engineering Department, Graduate School of Engineering Large-scale Human Mobility Prediction through Graph Representation Learning
博士/Doctor Zhao CHENBO 工学系研究科社会基盤学/Civil Engineering Department, Graduate School of Engineering Deep Fusion Models for Urban Landscape Evaluation Using Street View Imagery
修士/Master Pierre Michel Daniel FERRY 工学系研究科社会基盤学/Civil Engineering Department, Graduate School of Engineering From Paris to beyond: Simulating residential refueling behaviours from a French gas shortage and its implications for Japan
修士/Master Lingfeng LIAO 新領域創成科学研究科社会文化環境学専攻/Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies, Graduate School of Frontier Science A Generative Framework using a Multi-dimensional Procedure for Efficient Modeling of Vast 3D building
修士/Master Guocheng TANG 新領域創成科学研究科社会文化環境学専攻/Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies, Graduate School of Frontier Science Evaluating Industry-Specific Changes in Freight Vehicle data : A Comprehensive Study Utilizing ETC 2.0 Data and POI Data
修士/Master Yurong ZHANG 新領域創成科学研究科社会文化環境学専攻/Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies, Graduate School of Frontier Science Agentic Large Language Models for Generating Large-Scale Urban Daily Activities
受賞 Paper Award
受賞者/Recipient 受賞名/Award name 授与機関・団体/conferment organization 受賞対象の研究題目/Research title 受賞年月日/Date
Deeksha Arya The Rising Star award Asian Deans’ Forum Global Road Damage Detection 11/17/2024 ~ 11/19/2024
Shubham Kumar Dwivedi Travel Grant ACM SIGSPATIAL 2024 “Enhanced Road Damage Detection with Federated Learning Across Diverse and Heterogeneous Global Datasets” 10/29/2024 ~ 11/1/2024
Shubham Kumar Dwivedi Travel Grant IEEE UIC 2024 “Road Damage Detection Across Borders: Federated Learning Insights from Japan, China, Norway and the USA” 12/2/2024 ~ 12/7/2024
Takahiro Yabe Emergent Researcher Award Complex Systems Society For his contributions to the understanding of urban complex systems, climate disaster resilience and adaptation, and geospatial machine learning and AI 9/1/2024
Takahiro Yabe NICESTEP award 科学技術・学術政策研究所(NISTEP) 人流データ解析を用いた都市のレジリエンス研究 12/1/2024
Zhang Yurong Best Presentation award IEEE BigData 2024 Agentic Large Language Models for Generating Large-Scale Urban Daily Activity Patterns 12/15/2024 ~ 12/18/2024


国際学会論文誌等 Internation Journal Papers
開催期間/Period 形態/Category 対象者/Target 研究会、公開講座等名称/Name of Symposium, Public lecture 概要/Outline 参加人数/Number of participants 国際参加者数/Number of participants affiliated with foreign institutions
2024.12.16 Workshop Researcher, Students Building extraction generalization challenge 2024 Workshop Big Data Cup workshop organized in IEEE BigData Conference’2024 10 9
2024.12.17 Workshop Researcher, Students Optimized Road Damage Detection Challenge (ORDDC’2024) Workshop Big Data Cup workshop organized in IEEE BigData Conference’2024 ~20 more than 15
2024.10.29 Symposium Researcher, Students, Faculty Members 15th ISAJ Symposium Transormative Technologies for a Sustainable Future Symposium organized as a convener, in association with Indian Scientists Association in Japan (ISAJ) 50~100
2024.09.19 Workshop CRRI Scientists, Researchers “Workshop on AI/ML Techniques for Pavement Evaluation “ Workshop conducted at Central Road Research Institute (CRRI) India, in Hybrid Mode 10~20 10~20
2024.10.29 Workshop Researcher, Students, Faculty Members スマートプランニングのための地理空間情報と全国擬似人流データの利活用 GISA 2024 40
2024.11.1 Symposium Researcher, Students, Project Donating Companies, Potential Donationg Partners “シビックテック・デザイン学創成寄付研究部門 キックオフイベント デジタル社会における市民参加とアカデミアの役割(Civic Tech Design Initiative Kickoff Symposium: Designing civic tech for strengthening democracy and the role of Academia)” The kickoff event for the Civic Tech Design Initiative discussed citizen participation in the digital society and the role of academia. Experts from Japan and abroad gathered to share insights on the sustainability of civic tech and future strategies for collaborative approaches. 100 10
2024.10.29 Workshop Researcher 2nd International Workshop on Human Mobility Prediction workshop at SIGSPATIAL 2024 200 150
2024.10.31 Workshop Researchers, Students, Public The 2st Workshop of Discontinued Civic Tech Workshop conducted for the Civic Tech related researchers and practitioners 20 17