関本研究室 空間情報科学研究センター Sekimoto Lab

研究成果 Research Product
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Chenさんが博士論文で取り組んだ研究論文が、ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Impact factor in 2022: 11.774)に掲載されました

The paper by Chen san was published in the ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Impact factor in 2022: 11.774)!


澁谷准教授のオープンデータによるマスク購買の行動変容に関する研究論文がNature社のScientific Reports(Impact factor in 2021: 4.996)に掲載されました!

The paper analyzing the impacts of open data on mask purchase behavioral change by Associate Prof. Shibuya was published in Nature Scientific Reports (Impact factor in 2021: 4.996)!


梶原さんが修士論文で取り組んだ研究論文が、Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (Impact factor in 2021 : 6.454)に掲載されました

The paper by Kajiwara san for master thesis research was published in Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (Impact factor in 2021 : 6.454)!


Ashさんが博士論文で取り組んだ研究論文が、ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Journal (Impact factor in 2022: 11.774)に掲載されました

The paper by Ash san was published in Special Issue – Street-level Imagery Analytics and Applications of the ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Journal (Impact factor in 2022: 11.774)!



The paper by Maeda san in CACAIE has been selected as one of the Top Cited Papers of 2020-2021!


矢部客員研究員のCOVID-19ホットスポット検出に関する論文がElsevier社のComputers, Environment and Urban Systems (Impact factor in 2020: 5.324)に採択されました!

The paper by Yabe san, which proposes a method for predicting COVID-19 cluster outbreaks, was published in CEUS (Impact factor in 2020: 5.324)!


スヒョンさんが博士論文で取り組んだ研究論文が、International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (Impact factor in 2021: 4.320)に掲載されました

The paper by Soohyun san for doctor thesis research was published in International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (Impact factor in 2021: 4.320)!

バックナンバーResearch Product Back Number