関本研究室 空間情報科学研究センター Sekimoto Lab

研究成果 Research Product
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関本准教授、矢部研究員らによる「携帯電話の位置情報を用いたコロナ禍での行動変容の解析」がNature社のScientific Reportsに掲載されました

A report "Non-Compulsory Measures Sufficiently Reduced Human Mobility in Tokyo during the COVID-19 Epidemic" by Assoc. Prof. Sekimoto and Mr. Yabe was released in "Scientific Reports" of Nature


Pang特任研究員の強化学習を用いた大規模人流推定に関する研究がTransportation Research Part Cに掲載されました

Project Researcher Pang's paper about people mass movement simulation based on reinforcement learning was published in Transportation Research Part C


矢部協力研究員の論文がJournal of the Royal Society Interfaceに掲載されました!

The paper written by Yabe san was accepted on Journal of the Royal Society Interface!

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