関本研究室 空間情報科学研究センター Sekimoto Lab

ニュース News

陳特任研究員の博士課程の研究がTaylor & Francis社のEuropean Journal of Remote Sensing (2022年のインパクトファクター:4.0)に掲載されました!

The paper by Chen’s work for his Doctor’s thesis was published in European Journal of Remote Sensing (Impact factor in 2022:: 4.0)!



Deep learning-based building extraction methods have widespread applications in diverse fields. However, the evaluation of large-scale extraction results remains challenging, due to traditional evaluation metrics relying on manually created ground-truth samples and the lack of comprehensive reference-building data for developing countries. To address these problems, we proposed a two-level framework for evaluating large-scale footprint extraction. First, we utilized global open-source population and land use data as the proxy data, to assess grid-level completeness for the areas with insufficient reference data. Second, we introduced an improved two-way area-overlapping method to match the extracted footprints with the reference buildings, thereby enabling a comprehensive evaluation of the study region. Tested in Hyogo Prefecture and Numazu City, Japan, the results demonstrated a 2.6-% improvement in grid classification accuracy and an increase of 0.53 in the completeness correlation, compared with the results obtained using a single proxy indicator. Moreover, the optimized matching method achieved an outstanding semantic matching accuracy of 99%, with high efficiency and robustness in multi-scale matching. Therefore, the proposed approach can effectively evaluate large-scale footprint extraction results and interpret their semantic relationship with actual buildings, applicable globally regardless of the availability of reference building datasets.

Flowchart of the proposed two-level building extraction evaluation framework, including grid-level completeness assessment and object-level semantic evaluation.

Chen, S., Ogawa, Y., Zhao, C., & Sekimoto, Y. (2024). Enhanced large-scale building extraction evaluation: developing a two-level framework using proxy data and building matching. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 57(1), 2374844.