関本研究室 空間情報科学研究センター Sekimoto Lab

ニュース News

卒業生のLiuさんの修士課程の研究がElsevier社のCities (2023年のインパクトファクター:6.0)に掲載されました!

Master's thesis by our lab's alum, Liu, is published in Elsevier's Cities (impact factor in 2023: 6.0)!

この研究では、全国規模の時系列ジオタグ付きTwitter投稿を使用して、人々の行動が感情や場所とどのように関連しているのかを調査しました。まず、日本語話者14名が6,000件の投稿を手動でラベル付けし、日本語の感情グラウンドトゥルースデータセットを構築しました。 このデータセットを用いて事前学習済みの日本語BERTモデルをファインチューニングし、74%の精度で感情を予測できるモデルを作成しました。このモデルを使い、2021年の全国のジオタグ付きツイートを分析しました。




This study investigated how individuals’ behaviors are intertwined with sentiments and places using nationwide longitudinal geotagged Twitter posts. In doing so, we constructed ground truth datasets of Japanese sentiments by manually labeling 6,000 posts by 14 Japanese speakers. We fine-tuned a pre-trained Japanese BERT model, achieving 74% accuracy, and used it to predict geotagged tweets nationwide for the year 2021.

Our findings revealed that people’s sentiments vary depending on their behaviors, even when they are in similar types of places. For instance, in medical and welfare facilities, words like “encouraging” and “donating blood” were linked to positive sentiments, while words like “admission” and “treatment” evoked negative sentiments, contributing to high negative sentiment percentages for these facilities. We also observed behaviors such as feeling crowded or complaining about crowding in medical and welfare facilities (5.21%), transportation hubs (3.62%), commercial facilities (2.48%), green spaces (1.97%), cultural facilities (1.91%), and government facilities (1.75%). These trends may have been influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic and specific cultural contexts.

Additionally, we observed that positive sentiments tend to cluster together while negative sentiments are spread throughout the country. For example, commercial facilities (35.81%) and attractions (33.39%) had the highest percentage of positive sentiments, while negative sentiments were dispersed across the country, with medical and welfare facilities (9.22%), government facilities (8.19%), and transportation hubs (7.45%) having the highest percentage of negative sentiments.

Our research framework could be valuable for urban planners and policymakers as it provides insights into societal dynamics and can help in enhancing urban spaces. In addition, the ground truth datasets we created are beneficial for future tasks of emotional prediction for Japanese conversations, capturing both implicit and explicit emotional expressions in our corpus.

Liu, M., Shibuya, Y., & Sekimoto, Y. (2024). Emotions, behaviors and places: Mapping sentiments with behaviors in Japanese tweets. Cities, 155, 105449. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2024.105449

Figure: 2D heatmap of all POI locations in 2021


Figure: Percentage of behaviors under different sentiments in different types of places.