関本研究室 空間情報科学研究センター Sekimoto Lab

ニュース News

佐藤さんが修士論文で取り組んだ研究論文が、PLoS One(2022年のインパクトファクター:3.7)に掲載されました!

The paper by Sato san was published in PLoS One (Impact factor in 2022: 3.7)!




また、三次元の点群データはPLATEAUのLOD1, 2などの三次元形状に結びつけ、46個の建物を対象にテクスチャ付き三次元都市モデルを自動作成することに成功しました。二次元データに比べると相対的に処理時間はかなり増えてしまうものの、建物表面に対する点群が存在する割合として定義した網羅率については、道路沿いを計測したMMSでは概ね網羅率20%以上、空から計測したLPでは網羅率40%以上となり、計測手法に応じたカバー状況を明確にすることができました。

Currently, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism (Japan) is in the process of developing an open 3D city model known as PLATEAU. Abundant measurement data related to buildings, including maps produced by private companies and mobile mapping system point clouds, have been collected to enhance the value of the 3D city model. To achieve this, it is necessary to identify the buildings for which measurement data is available. In this study, we propose and evaluate an efficient matching method for various building measurement data, primarily using geometric properties. In Numazu city, PLATEAU IDs were assigned to 88,525 Zenrin buildings as part of a private map. The results indicate that 90.6% of the polygons were matched. For aerial images, 93.6% of the extracted buildings matched the PLATEAU buildings, although only 70.9% of the PLATEAU data was extracted from the images. Using the level of detail 1 and 2 models, 46 textured building files were created from the mobile mapping system point cloud. In addition, the cover ratio for the laser profiling point cloud was mostly greater than 40%, which was higher than that of the mobile mapping system.


Ogawa Y, Sato G, Sekimoto Y (2024) Geometric-based approach for linking various building measurement data to a 3D city model. PLoS ONE 19(1): e0296445.

Fig. Results of the matching and suggestion process for 2D footprints extracted from aerial images.


Fig. Texture mapping results for an LOD2 building with different mapping settings.