関本研究室 空間情報科学研究センター Sekimoto Lab

ニュース News

サンティアゴさんが修士論文で取り組んだ研究論文が、Computers, Environment and Urban Systems(2022年のインパクトファクター:6.8)に掲載されました!

The paper by Santiago san was published in Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (Impact factor in 2022: 6.8)!


In this research, we use synthetic human mobility data, which introduces commuting dynamics to improve the reliability of retail location models. We use the origin-destination flows to distribute households’ potential expenditures in their home and commuting locations with the aim of modeling non-residential-driven demand in 347 commercial streets in Tokyo. We found that redistributing the potential expenditures toward the households’ daytime locations significantly increased the traditional Huff model’s performance, with a 54% increase of the coefficient of determination over the baseline model. Additionally, we found that our use of pedestrian trajectory counts is comparable to using distance within the Huff model framework, where we obtained a 57% increase of the coefficient of determination. Nevertheless, a combination of the trajectory model, used to delineate trade areas, and the conventional Huff model had the best performance with a 59% increase of the coefficient of determination. This study demonstrates the potential of using synthetic human mobility simulations for retail analysis in when real customer-outlet data is not available.


S. Garcia-Gabilondo, Y. Shibuya, Y. Sekimoto, Enhancing geospatial retail analysis by integrating synthetic human mobility simulations. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 108 (2024) 102058.